CRE Alumni Present at REit Initiative Mexico Conference - MIT Center for Real Estate

CRE Alumni Present at REit Initiative Mexico Conference

In The News

CRE Alumni-studded panels at the first REit Initiative Mexico Conference in Mexico City March 9, 2017. MIT/CRE’s Head of Industry Relations Steve Weikal (MSRED ’08) delivered the opening keynote “Innovation and Technology: New Pieces of the Real Estate Puzzle”. The theme of the event was Disrupting Real Estate: innovation + technology and the Industry’s Future.


Fernanda and Avi @ ULI Mexico City
Avi Spielman (’16) and Fernanda Sanchez (’17) at REit Initiative Conference

Steve was joined by  MSRED alums Avi Spielman (MSRED ’16), who participated on panel about Real Estate Blockchain, and Fernanda Sanchez (MSRED ’17), who moderated a panel on innovative senior housing for Mexico.  The conference, presented by Urban Land Institute (ULI), was attended by over 350 industry leaders from across Mexico.



Fernanda, Avi, Alejandro and Steve ad ULI Mexico City
Alejandro Rico (’16), Avi Spielman (’16), Fernanda Sanchez (’17) and Steve Weikal (’08) at REit Initiative Conference.

CRE Alumni Present at REit Initiative Mexico Conference