MSRED Alumni Make List of 100 Most Influential Bostonians - MIT Center for Real Estate

MSRED Alumni Make List of 100 Most Influential Bostonians

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Boston Magazine announces the 2021 list of 100 Most Influential Bostonians. Two MSRED alumni made the list: Linda Pizzuti Henry (’05) CEO of Boston Globe Media Partners, and Hunter Kass (’11) Executive VP and Regional Market Director for Greater Boston, Alexandria Real Estate Equities. Linda recently moved up from being the Globe’s managing director to CEO. Her new role puts her in control of the region’s news-media powerhouse. Hunter is, as Boston Magazine puts it, “king of lab space”. Kass is expanding the city’s Biotech landscape; he recently bought up the former Landmark Center, the former GE building in Fort Point, and two parcels in South Boston.

The Center’s distinguished alumni are among other influential Bostonians such as author Ibram X. Kendi, Governor Charlie Baker, and developer and friend of the Center, Kirk A. Sykes, to name a few.

Read more at Boston Magazine:

MSRED Alumni Make List of 100 Most Influential Bostonians