CRE Research Seminar: Dr. Jorge De La Roca, University of Southern California

CRE Research Seminar: Dr. Jorge De La Roca, University of Southern California
Dr. Jorge De la Roca, Associate Professor, Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California
Dr. Jorge De la Roca is an Associate Professor at the Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California. He is also a Research Director at the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate and co-direct LAUrban, LACEA urban economics network. His fields of interest include urban economics, labor economics, and economic geography. He is an Editor of the Journal of Economic Geography. His research studies agglomeration economies, urban inequality, skill sorting, and urban migration across city sizes. He also studies the consequences and underlying mechanisms of racial residential segregation on minorities.
The Spring 2023 CRE Research Seminar Series is underway. These seminars feature distinguished scholars in the real estate finance field and provide a rigorous discussion platform for basic research. Each seminar will feature only one presenter’s current work for one hour, including Q&As. Please refer to the CRE Research Seminar Series page for an updated guest speaker line-up. Seminars are held every other Tuesday from 12:00 – 1:00 pm (ET) via zoom.