CRE launches 'Meet the Visionaries' a student-driven podcast giving voice to real estate innovation - MIT Center for Real Estate
MIT CENTER FOR REAL estate meet the visionaries

CRE launches ‘Meet the Visionaries’ a student-driven podcast giving voice to real estate innovation

In The News

The Center is excited to announce the launch of a new project in 2024 meant to further engage and showcase the exceptional innovation in our community and beyond. As part of this endeavor, we are excited to introduce the semimonthly podcast series, Meet the Visionaries: Solutions and voices for real estate’s evolution. The podcast is student-driven, providing a platform to highlight the contributions of visionary innovators in the real estate industry.

The first episode, released on January 8, 2024, featured Michael Ferrari, Chief Scientific Officer of Climate Alpha interviewed by Viet Nguyen MSRED ’24 about their approach to utilizing cutting-edge technology in climate risk assessment. We hope many will listen in and contribute to future episodes!

With the goal to continue growing our network of industry leaders that are engaged in exploring new pathways in the field of real estate, we will amplify their voices and build, offering a deeper understanding of the collaborations that define our community. By featuring our industry collaborators, students, and faculty, we aim grow more meaningful connections and promote a culture of knowledge sharing and exploration.

In this spirit, we extend an open invitation to innovators working in the built environment to make positive change and seize this opportunity to showcase their work to the broader industry. We hope this platform will not only celebrate the achievements of our community but also inspire others to join our efforts.

To recommend a speaker, please contact Denise DeLorey and Lacey Cochran who are spearheading this project.

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CRE launches ‘Meet the Visionaries’ a student-driven podcast giving voice to real estate innovation