MSRED ’21 & SREDA Fellow Natasha Sadikin featured in MIT News

MIT/CREs very own MSRED ’21 student and 2019 – 2020 Sustainable Real Estate Development Action (SREDA) Fellow, Natasha Sadikin, is featured in the MIT News today. Natasha first joined MIT with the goal to further examine the relationship between real estate and the built environment, and to foster a design-sensitive, sustainable approach to development that brings life to surrounding communities.
The MIT News article reflects on her accomplishments at MIT and beyond. At MIT, Natasha has been particularly inspired by Gloria Schuck’s Leadership class and Tod McGrath’s Ventures courses. In addition to her studies, Natasha worked in the MIT Real Estate Innovation Lab learning from her mentor, Andrea Chegut, and brought her talents to MIT DesignX, in which her team received $15,000 in seed funding. She is now putting the finishing touches on her Master’s thesis, “The Financial Impact of Healthy Buildings.”
You can read more about Natasha’s journey to and at MIT on MIT News’ website here:https://news.mit.edu/2021/sadikin-real-estate-design-0114