PhD student, Yichun Fan, has been awarded an MIT Martin Fellowship. The selection of Martin Fellows is highly competitive. In Yichun’s Award Letter, the Committee gave high praise, “Congratulations on this honor, which reflects your strong academic and research accomplishments, and most importantly, your dedication to advancing sustainability for humanity and the natural world.”
The Martin Fellowship program, is administered by MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative (ESI), and is a centerpiece of MIT’s graduate education in sustainability. It is made possible by MIT by Lee (’42) and Geri Martin through The Martin Foundation. It is a generous award; covering one academic year’s full tuition and stipend. In addition to funding, Yichun will have a lot of flexibility and freedom to focus on her own research and PhD dissertation. The fellowship will expand her network and help with her academic career as the Institute connects all its Martin Fellows with each other, with MIT faculty, and with distinguished visitors.
Yichun has other outstanding achievements – she was awarded the Tang Fellowship (another very competitive selection at the Institute level) in 2021.
Yichun is a PhD student in Urban and Regional Economics, with research concentration in Environmental Policy and Planning within MITs Department of Urban Studies & Planning and Center for Real Estate. She is also a graduate researcher at MIT Sustainable Urbanization Lab (SUL), where she is currently leading the Global Sentiment Project. She received her Master in City Planning from MIT and Bachelor in Environmental Engineering from Tsinghua University.