Fábio Duarte - MIT Center for Real Estate

Fábio Duarte

Principal Research Scientist, Center for Real Estate and Senseable City Lab

Senseable City Lab

Contact Info

Office Phone 617-324-4474
MIT Address 9-250

Contact Info

Office Phone 617-324-4474
MIT Address 9-250

Fábio Duarte is a Lecturer in DUSP, affiliated with the Center for Real Estate, and Principal Research Scientist and Associate Director of the MIT Senseable City Lab. Duarte has a background in urban planning and a PhD in communication and technology from the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. Duarte was a professor at PUCPR (Curitiba, Brazil), and has been a visiting professor at the Yokohama University and Twente University. Duarte serves as a consultant in urban planning and mobility for the World Bank. His most recent books are “Urban play: make-believe, technology and space (MIT Press, 2021) and “Unplugging the city: the urban phenomenon and its sociotechnical controversies” (Routledge, 2018). Duarte’s  papers have appeared in Urban Studies, Journal of Urban Technology, Scientific Reports, and Science Robotics.

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Fábio Duarte