The Digitization of the Asian Real Estate Industry – Global Outlook and Progress

Project Summary
Real estate as an industry has for many years notoriously lagged behind other asset classes in its digitization and adoption of technology. Despite this, advancements in real estate technology have made significant strides in recent years and, coupled with a vast influx of venture capital, real estate technology or ‘Proptech’ is embodying a new digital era across the global real estate industry. With this surge in demand to know more, this MIT Center for Real Estate’s Real Estate Technology Initiative’s Whitepaper focuses on the topic of the real estate industry’s digital transformation across the globe primarily focusing on the Asian market.
This Whitepaper aims to examine the status of the global Proptech market and what is currently taking place across 9 specific geographical locations being: China, South Korea, Singapore, India, Thailand, Australia, North America, Latin & South America and Europe. This Whitepaper focuses on a number of specific locations outside of Asia in order to provide context and understanding of what is taking place globally in the Proptech market. In each of these regional markets this Whitepaper focuses on 8 individual research segments to provide the most comprehensive understanding of what is taking place in each location focusing specifically on:
- Market Outlook;
- Investment and Capital Markets;
- Technological Advancement;
- Key Regulation;
- Data and Data Sources;
- Start-up Landscape;
- Market Challenges;
- Opportunities