Special Topics 11.S970
Title: Real Estate Portfolio Management: Principles and Practice
Instructor: Jacques Gordon
Time: (H4) Tues/Thurs Time 11:00 am-12:30 pm
Room: 9-354
Units: 6
Grade: Letter Grade
Course Description:
The equity and debt used to finance real estate comes from pools of capital that are organized into portfolios. A portfolio approach is useful for capital allocation strategy, for financial reporting, and for articulating an investment thesis that is more powerful than a collection of “deals”. This course exposes students to the ways that a portfolio-wide view applies to managing and investing in real estate. It will focus on real-world examples of portfolio construction, management, and decision-making. Several guests with experience managing portfolios will be invited to present cases to the class. Students should be familiar with basic real estate and financial terms and have taken (or placed out of) MIT’s core course in Real Estate Finance.