Asia Real Estate Initiative
Global and Local Networks: The Positioning of Asian Cities

Principal Investigators: Siqi Zheng (lead)
Researchers: Ambra Amico, Fábio Duarte, Wen-Chi Liao
Year: 2024
Sponsor: Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research Technology (SMART)
Topics: International Real Estate, Real Estate, Infrastructure and Mobility
- Theme 2: Global and Local Networks: The Positioning of Asian Cities
- Sub-Theme 2: Global Air Network and Location Choices of MNCs (Multi-National Corporations)
How does the global air network facilitate cross-border venture capital movements?
- Based on the difference-in-differences estimate, one additional flight per day leads to an increase in VC investment between the city pair by 0.14 deals on average per year (1.08 times the mean value).
- The heterogeneous analysis indicates that, with more air connections, emerging industries and firms in earlier developmental stages receive more investment, and non-syndication investment increases more than syndication investment.
- The effect significantly increases with geographical distance: city pairs that are far away from each other experience a larger increase in VC flow after flight connections exist.
- Most of this increase in capital flows happen in wealthier cities. Connections between poor cities show little effect on VC flow.
CASE STUDY: How Singapore’s connectivity in the air traffic network support national economic development? Findings show flight connectivity significantly impacts headquarter-subsidiary(/branch) location choice. The effect is strongest for companies in high-skilled, highly tradable service industries.