Subway Network and Urban Vibrancy - MIT Center for Real Estate
Asia Real Estate Initiative

Subway Network and Urban Vibrancy

Principal Investigators: Siqi Zheng, Adriano Borges Costa (lead)
Researchers: Camila Ramos, Tabea Sonnenschein, Raj A Mehta, Liaoliao Duan, Weizeng Sun
Year: 2020 - 2021
Sponsor: Center for Real Estate
Topics: Real Estate, Infrastructure and Mobility
  • Theme 2: Global and Local Networks: The Positioning of Asian Cities
    • Sub-Theme 3: Access to Urban Vibrancy

Access to Urban Vibrancy

How transit extensions promote vibrant urban places

  • Subway expansion, jobs accessibility improvements and home value appreciation in four global cities: Considering both local and network effects
  • Accessibility to Firms within the New York City Transit System
  • Understanding Subway Vibrancy in Live-Work-Play: A Case Study from and for Santiago, Chile. 
  • Zoning and Urban Vibrancy, a case study of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Subway extensions triggering consumer amenities formation in a cross-cities analysis

Related Projects

  1. Global and Local Networks: The Positioning of Asian Cities
  2. Chinese Urbanization and the Role of High-Speed Railway 

Subway Network and Urban Vibrancy